My Blogs
Bizz Bang Buzz Entrepreneur law blog (blawg) of Pittsburgh strategic business and technology attorney Anthony Cerminaro, focused on small business, venture capital, entrepreneurship, technology and other items of interest to entrepreneurs, startups and emerging growth companies
Deal Attorney Law blog ("blawg") of Pittsburgh business, technology and transactions attorney, Anthony Cerminaro, focused on domestic and international commercial and financial transactions such as mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, intellectual property licensing, product distribution, strategic partnerships and joint ventures
Strategic Business Lawyer A business law blog focused on preventive, proactive & collaborative legal services; Covering topics such as planning, negotiation, compliance & dispute resolution.
How to Buy a Business If you have decided to take the entrepreneurial plunge, buying an existing business may be the best and fastest way to dive in. Lil Sawyer, Managing Director of Funding Links Inc. has identified the following as the advantages of business acquisition vs start-up:
1) Much lower risk of failure,
2) Business generates cash flow from day one (preferably positive cash),
3) Proven business concept and processes,
4) Proven products, services, marketing and sales strategies,
5) Established customer base providing referrals and references,
6) Established suppliers,
7) Trained employees in place,
8) Immediate credibility and perception of success,
9) Seller likely to lend support and may assist with financing,
10) Easier to secure affordable financing to complete the acquisition.
This lens outlines a ten step process by which you can buy a business and start swimming in entrepreneurial waters.